Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dear God,

I know that the bible says Godly sorrow worketh a repentence never to be repented of again. I undestand that this means that I can't ask for forgiveness and turn to you to solve my problems when I keep doing things that I should not do. I do understand that with your blessing you expect gratitude and appreciation on my part. I also understand that no gratitude is shown if I continue to find myself in the same situations.

Lord I need help. I honestly do need some help. It's no longer about me trying to get out of a situation. I see myself getting out of control. I see myself being overcome by anger and grief. Lord show me myself. Lord help me to see me. Help me to fix me. Lord work on me today. Right now God give me the help that I need.

Lord, I love you. Lord, you love me. I know this to be true. There is no reason for me to allow these things to take over me. I have a problem. I have a problem. I need help. I need you to help me to overcome these anger issues that I have. I need you to protect me Lord. Protect my family. Lord wrap your arms around me, my husband and my children.

Help me to see that you have your hands on me and my life. Help me to understand that my family will be taken care of. Help me to see that my children will prosper. Regardless of my mistakes Lord, you love me. I am a good person and a great mother and wife. I'm going to start today showing you that I'm worthy and gracious of you love and blessing. Lord your mercy is not in vain.